Book3 Title01 Chapter04 Part02
From Thai Codification Draft of 1924
- Reconstructed from the Documents in Vols. 86, 87, 88, and 89 of “The Archives of the History of Thai Codification”.
- For the details, please, refer to the "Introductory Notes" to the "Reconstructed Book III on Specific Contracts".
TITLE I. Sale.
Chapter IV. Of some particular kinds of Sales.
Part II. Sale by Sample. – Sale on Approval.
Section 507.
- [I] In a sale by sample, the seller is bound to deliver property or properties corresponding to the sample.
- [II] If the sample is lost or damaged, the burden of proof that the property delivered does not correspond to the sample lies on the buyer.
Section 508.
- The liability on account of non-correspondence to the sample is extinguished by prescription one year after delivery.
Section 509.
- A sale on approval is a sale made on condition that the buyer shall have the opportunity to examine the property before acceptance.
Section 510.
- If no time is fixed for the examination of the property, the seller can fix a reasonable time and notify
- the buyer to answer within that time whether he accepts the property or not.
Section 511.
- If the property is to be examined by the buyer before delivery and the buyer does not accept it within the time fixed by the contract or by <
the>[a] notification [from the seller], the contract is extinguished.
Section 512.
- When the property has been delivered to the buyer in order that he may examine it, the sale is complete in the following cases:
- (1) If the buyer does not notify his refusal within the time fixed by the contract or by the notification, or
- (2) If the buyer does not return the property within that time, or
- (3) If the buyer <
after delivery> pays the price or part of it, or - (4) If the buyer disposes of the property or uses it otherwise than for the purpose of examining it.