Book3 Title08 Chapter01 Part02
From Thai Codification Draft of 1924
- Reconstructed from the Documents in Vols. 86, 87, 88, and 89 of “The Archives of the History of Thai Codification”.
- For the details, please, refer to the "Introductory Notes" to the "Reconstructed Book III on Specific Contracts".
TITLE VIII. Carriage.
Chapter I. Carriage of Goods.
Part II. Duties and Liabilities of the Carrier.
Section 662.
- In the absence of any specific agreement or custom as to the time of delivery, the goods must be forwarded and delivered within a reasonable time.
- Draft of 1919: Ob.594
- Code of January 1925: -
- Code of January 1929: -
Section 663.
- If a consignment note has been made, delivery can be obtained only on its surrender.
Section 664.
- The carrier is liable for any loss, damage or delay in delivery of the goods entrusted to him unless he proves that the loss, damage or delay is caused by force majeure or by the nature of the goods.
Section 665.
- The carrier is liable for loss, damage or delay caused by apparent defects in the packing of the goods, if he accepted the goods without reservation.
- Draft of 1919: Ob.597
- Code of January 1925: -
- Code of January 1929: -
Section 666.
- The carrier is not liable for loss, damage or delay caused by non-apparent defects in the packing of the goods.
- Draft of 1919: Ob.598
- Code of January 1925: -
- Code of January 1929: -
Section 667.
- The carrier is liable for loss, damage or delay caused by the fault of the other carriers or persons to whom he entrusted the goods.
Section 668.
- The carrier is liable for loss, damage or delay caused by the fault of passengers.
- Draft of 1919: Ob.600
- Code of January 1925: -
- Code of January 1929: -
Section 669.
- If the goods are of a dangerous nature or are likely to cause injury to persons or property, the sender must declare their nature before making the contract of carriage, failing which he shall be liable for any injury caused by them.
Section 670.
- [I] The carrier is not liable for specie, currency notes, bank notes, bills, bonds, shares, debentures, warrants, jewels and other valuables, unless he is given notice of the value or nature of such goods when they are delivered to him.
- [II] If their value is declared, the liability of the carrier is limited to such declared value.
Section 671.
- Compensation in case of delay in delivery cannot exceed the amount which could be awarded in case of total loss of the same goods.
Section 672.
- The arrival of the goods must be notified to the consignee in the manner provided by custom.
Section 673.
- No compensation is due for loss or damage discoverable from the external condition of the goods or for delay, if the goods were accepted without reservation on delivery.
Section 674.
- In case of loss or damage not discoverable from the external condition of the goods, no compensation is due unless notice of loss or damage has been given to the carrier within eight days after delivery of the goods.
- Draft of 1919: Ob.606
- Code of January 1925: 623(II)(III)
- Code of January 1929: 623(II)(III)
Section 675.
- The liability of the carrier for loss, damage or delay is extinguished by prescription one year after delivery or, if the goods were not delivered, one year after the date when delivery ought to have been made.
Section 676.
- A provision in a receipt, consignment note or other such document delivered by the carrier to the sender, excluding or limiting the liability of the carrier, is void unless the sender expressly agreed to such exclusion or limitation of liability.