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From Reference Codes Japanese CC
- Based on the English Translation by: J. E. de Becker (1909 – 1910). Annotated Civil Code of Japan. London: Butterworth & Co. [Available on Google Books and Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4]
- "INDEX TO ARTICLES" in his another work offers additional information: J. E. de Becker (1921). The Principles and Practice of Civil Code of Japan. London: Butterworth & Co. [Available on]
- Original Version in Japanese.
Chapter I. Persons.
Title I. Enjoyment of Private Rights.
- Arts. 1 – 2.
Title II. Capacity.
- Arts. 3 – 20.
Title III. Domicile.
- Arts. 21 – 24.
Title IV. Disappearance.
- Arts. 25 – 32.
Chapter II. Juridical Persons.
Title I. Creation of Juridical Persons.
- Arts. 33 – 51.
Title II. Management of Juridical Persons.
- Arts. 52 – 67.
Title III. Dissolution of a Juridical Person.
- Arts. 68 – 83.
Title IV. Penalties.
- Art. 84.
Chapter III. Things.
- Arts. 85 – 89.
Chapter IV. Juristic Acts
Title I. General Provisions.
- Arts. 90 – 92.
Title II. Expression of Intention.
- Arts. 93 – 98.
Title III. Representation.
- Arts. 99 – 118.
Title IV. Void and Voidable Acts.
- Arts. 119 – 126.
Title V. Conditions and Limitation of Time.
- Arts. 127 – 137.
Chapter V. Period of Time.
- Arts. 138 – 143.
Chapter VI. Prescription.
Title I. General Provisions.
- Arts. 144 – 161.
Title II. Acquisitive Prescription.
- Arts. 162 – 165.
Title III. Extinctive Prescription.
- Arts. 166 – 174.
Chapter I. General Provisions.
- Arts. 175 – 179.
Chapter II. Possessory Rights.
Title I. Acquisition of Possessory Rights.
- Arts. 180 – 187.
Title II. Validity of Possessory Rights.
- Arts. 188 – 202.
Title III. Extinction of Possessory Rights.
- Arts. 203 – 204.
Title IV. Quasi-Possession.
- Art. 205.
Chapter III. Ownership.
Title I. Extent of Ownership.
- Arts. 206 – 238.
Title II. Acquisition of Ownership.
- Arts. 239 – 248.
Title III. Joint Ownership.
- Arts. 249 – 264.
Chapter IV. Superficies.
- Arts. 265 – 269.
Chapter V. Emphyteusis.
- Arts. 270 – 279.
Chapter VI. Servitudes.
- Arts. 280 – 294.
Chapter VII. Liens.
- Arts. 295 – 302.
Chapter VIII. Preferential Rights.
Title I. General Provisions.
- Arts. 303 – 305.
Title II. Classes of Preferential Rights.
Part I. General Preferential Rights.
- Arts. 306 – 310.
Part II. Preferential Rights in Movables.
- Arts. 311 – 324.
Part III. Preferential Rights in Immovables.
- Arts. 325 – 328.
Title III. Ranks of Preferential Rights.
- Arts. 329 – 332.
Title IV. Effect of Preferential Rights.
- Arts. 333 – 341.
Chapter IX. Pledge (PIGNUS).
Title I. General Provisions.
- Arts. 342 – 351.
Title II. Pledges of Movables.
- Arts. 352 – 355.
Title III. Pledges of Immovables.
- Arts. 356 – 361.
Title IV. Pledges of Rights.
- Arts. 362 – 368.
Chapter X. Mortgages (HYPOTHECA).
Title I. General Provisions.
- Arts. 369 – 372.
Title II. Effect of Mortgage.
- Arts. 373 – 395.
Title III. Extinction of Mortgages.
- Arts. 396 – 398.
Chapter I. General Provisions.
Title I. Subjects of Obligations.
- Arts. 399 – 411.
Title II. Effect of Obligations.
- Arts. 412 – 426.
Title III. Obligations with a Plurality of Parties.
Part. I. General Provisions.
- Art. 427.
Part II. Indivisible Obligations.
- Arts. 428 – 431.
Part III. Joint Obligations.
- Arts. 432 – 445.
Part IV. Suretyship.
- Arts. 446 – 465.
Title IV. Assignment of Obligations.
- Arts. 466 – 473.
Title V. Extinction of Obligations.
Part I. Performance.
- Arts. 474 – 504.
Part II. Set-off (Compensatio).
- Arts. 505 – 512.
Part III. Novation (Novatio).
- Arts. 513 – 518.
Part IV. Remission (Release).
- Art. 519.
Part V. Confusion (Confusio).
- Art. 520.
Chapter II. Contracts.
Title I. General Provisions.
Part I. Formation of a Contract.
- Arts. 521 – 522.
Part II. Effect of a Contract.
- Arts. 523 – 539.
Part III. Rescission of a Contract (Resolutio).
- Arts. 540 – 548.
Title II. Gift (Donatio).
- Arts. 549 – 554.
Title III. Sale (Emptio venditio).
Part I. General Provisions.
- Arts. 555 – 559.
Part II. Effect of a Sale.
- Arts. 560 – 578.
Part III. Re-purchase (Pactum de retroemendo).
- Arts. 579 – 585.
Title IV. Exchange (Recum permutatio).
- Art. 586.
Title V. Loans for Consumption (Mutuum).
- Arts. 587 – 592.
Title VI. Loans for Use (Commodatum).
- Arts. 593 – 600.
Title VII. Hiring of Things (Locatio conductio rei).
Part I. General Provisions.
- Arts. 601 – 604.
Part II. Effect of a Hiring of Things.
- Arts. 605 – 616.
Part III. Termination of a Hiring of Things.
- Arts. 617 – 622.
Title VIII. Hiring of Services (Locatio conductio operarum).
- Arts. 623 – 631.
Title IX. Contract Work (Locatio conductio operis).
- Arts. 632 – 642.
Title X. Mandate (Mandatum).
- Arts. 643 – 656.
Title XI. Deposit (Depositum).
- Arts. 657 – 666.
Title XII. Partnerships (Societas).
- Arts. 667 – 688.
Title XIII. Life-Annuities.
- Arts. 689 – 694.
Title XIV. Compromise (Compromissum).
- Arts. 695 – 696.
Chapter III. Business Management (Negoriorum gestlio).
- Arts. 697 – 702.
Chapter IV. Unjust Enrichment.
- Arts. 703 – 708.
Chapter V. Unlawful Acts or "Torts" (Delicta).
- Arts. 709 – 724.