Book3 Title01 Chapter02 Part01
From Thai Codification Draft of 1924
- Reconstructed from the Documents in Vols. 86, 87, 88, and 89 of “The Archives of the History of Thai Codification”.
- For the details, please, refer to the "Introductory Notes" to the "Reconstructed Book III on Specific Contracts".
TITLE I. Sale.
Chapter II. Duties and liabilities of the seller.
Part I. Delivery.
Section 464.
- The seller is bound to deliver to the buyer the property sold.
Section 465.
- Delivery may be made by doing anything which has the effect of putting the property at the disposal of the buyer.
Section 466.
- If the contract provides that the property sold shall be forwarded from one place to another, delivery takes place at the moment when the property is delivered to the carrier.
Section 467.
- The property sold must be delivered in such condition as it was at the time of the sale.
Section 468.
- When there is no time clause for payment of the price, the seller is entitled to retain the property sold until the price is paid.
Section 469.
- Even when there is a time clause for the payment, the seller is entitled to retain the property if the buyer either becomes bankrupt before delivery, or was bankrupt at the time of the sale without the seller knowing thereof, or impairs or reduces the securities given for payment.
Section 470.
- When the property is retained [ในมาตราทั้งหลายที่กล่าวมา], the buyer may at any time apply to the Court for an order to deliver the property, on the buyer giving security for the payment of the price.
Section 471.
- [I] When the buyer is in default, the seller who retains the property under the foregoing sections can, instead of using the ordinary remedies for non-performance, notify the buyer by registered letter to pay the price and accessories, if any, within a reasonable time to be fixed in the notice.
- [II] If the buyer fails to comply with the notice, the seller can sell the property by public auction.
Section 472.
- The seller must forth with deduct from the nett proceeds of the public auction the price and accessories due to himself and deliver the surplus, if any, to the buyer.