Book3 Title08 Chapter02

From Thai Codification Draft of 1924



TITLE VIII. Carriage.

Chapter II. Carriage of Passengers.

Section 691.
  • The carrier of passengers is liable <for delay or for any other injury suffered by any passenger>[to a passenger for personal injuries and for damages immediately resulting from a delay suffered] by reason of the transportation, unless the delay or injury is caused by force majeure or by the fault of that passenger.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.623
  2. Code of January 1925: 634
  3. Code of January 1929: 634
Section 692.
  • Luggage entrusted to the carrier in time must be delivered on the arrival of the passenger.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.624
  2. Code of January 1925: 635
  3. Code of January 1929: 635
Section 693.
  • [I] If the passenger does not take delivery of the luggage within one month after its arrival, the carrier can sell it by public auction.
  • [II] If the luggage is of a perishable nature, the carrier can sell it by public auction twenty-four hours after it arrival.
  • [III] The provisions of Section <620>[688] apply mutatis mutandis.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.625
  2. Code of January 1925: 636
  3. Code of January 1929: 636
Section 694.
  • The rights and liabilities of the carrier for the luggage which has been entrusted to him are governed by Chapter I, even though the carrier did not make a separate charge for it.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.626
  2. Code of January 1925: 637
  3. Code of January 1929: 637
Section 695.
  • No liability is incurred by the carrier for luggage which has not been entrusted to him, unless such luggage be lost or damaged by the fault of the carrier or of his employees.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.627
  2. Code of January 1925: 638
  3. Code of January 1929: 638
Section 696.
  • A provision in a ticket, receipt or such other document delivered by the carrier to the passenger excluding or limiting the liability of the carrier is void, unless the passenger expressly agreed to such exclusion or limitation of liability.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.628
  2. Code of January 1925: 639
  3. Code of January 1929: 639