Book3 Title10 Chapter01

From Thai Codification Draft of 1924



TITLE X. Deposit.

Chapter I. General Provisions.

Section 725.
  • A contract of deposit is a contract whereby a person, called the depositor, agrees to deliver a movable property to another person, called the depositary, and the depositary agrees to keep such property in safe custody, with or without remuneration, and to return it to the depositor or to a third person.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.657
  2. Code of January 1925: 657
  3. Code of January 1929: 657
Section 726.
  • A contract of deposit is complete only on delivery of the property deposited.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.658
  2. Code of January 1925: -
  3. Code of January 1929: -
Section 727.
  • The depositary is bound to take as much care of the property deposited as a person of ordinary prudence would take of his own property.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.659
  2. Code of January 1925: 659
  3. Code of January 1929: 659
Section 728.
  • The depositary is not allowed, without the permission of the depositor, to use the property deposited or to let a third person have the use or custody of it.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.660
  2. Code of January 1925: 660
  3. Code of January 1929: 660
Section 729.
  • The depositary who acts contrary to any of the provisions of Section 660 becomes liable for any loss or damage caused even by force majeure to the property deposited, unless he proves that the property would have been lost or damaged even if he had not acted contrary to such provisions.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.661
  2. Code of January 1925: 660
  3. Code of January 1929: 660
Section 730.
  • [I] If a property is the subject of litigation, the parties to the case can agree, or the Court may order, that such property shall be deposited with one of the parties or with a third person.
  • [II] The depositary of such property can only return it to a person appointed for that purpose by the parties or by the Court.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.662
  2. Code of January 1925: -
  3. Code of January 1929: -
Section 731.
  • [I] If a third person claims a right over the property deposited and enters an action against the depositary, or attaches the property, the depositary must forth with give notice thereof to the depositor.
  • [II] After the depositary has been served with a writ at the suit of the claimant or after attachment, the depositary can only return the property on an order of the Court, or with the consent of the parties to the case.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.663
  2. Code of January 1925: 661
  3. Code of January 1929: 661
Section 732.
  • If a time for the return of the property deposited has been fixed, the depositary <cannot>[has no right to] return the property before such time, except in case of unavoidable necessity.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.664
  2. Code of January 1925: 662
  3. Code of January 1929: 662
Section 733.
  • Although the parties have fixed a time for the return of the property deposited, the depositary must return it at any time on demand made by the depositor.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.665
  2. Code of January 1925: 663
  3. Code of January 1929: 663
Section 734.
  • If the parties have fixed no time for the return of the property deposited, the depositary can return it at any time.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.666
  2. Code of January 1925: 664
  3. Code of January 1929: 664
Section 735.
  • If the property is deposited in the name of a third person, the depositary can only return it to that third person.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.667
  2. Code of January 1925: 665
  3. Code of January 1929: 665
Section 736.
  • The depositary is bound to deliver with the property any interest and profits which may have accrued from it.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.668
  2. Code of January 1925: 666
  3. Code of January 1929: 666
Section 737.
  • Costs of returning the property deposited <must be>[are] borne by the depositor.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.669
  2. Code of January 1925: 667
  3. Code of January 1929: 667
Section 738.
  • In case of loss of the property deposited, the value to be taken into account for the assessment of compensation is the value which the property would have had at the time when and at the place where it ought to have been returned.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.670
  2. Code of January 1925: -
  3. Code of January 1929: -
Section 739.
  • The depositor is bound to reimburse the depositary for any expenses which were necessary for the preservation or maintenance of the property deposited unless such expenses were incumbent upon the depositary under the contract of deposit.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.671
  2. Code of January 1925: 668
  3. Code of January 1929: 668
Section 740.
  • If no time for payment of remuneration is fixed by the contract or by custom, the remuneration is payable when the property deposited is returned. If fixed by periods, the remuneration is payable at the end of each period.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.672
  2. Code of January 1925: 669
  3. Code of January 1929: 669
Section 741.
  • When the remuneration or expenses are not paid, the depositary is entitled to retain the property deposited, provided that the depositor may at any time apply to the Court for an order, either:
  • (1) Restricting the exercise of this right to such part of the property deposited as the Court may deem sufficient to cover the remuneration or expenses, or
  • (2) Ordering the depositary to return the property deposited on the depositor giving security for remuneration or expenses.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.673
  2. Code of January 1925: 670
  3. Code of January 1929: 670
Section 742.
  • [I] If the depositary retains the property deposited as provided in Section <673>[741], he may notify the depositor by registered letter to pay the remuneration or expenses within a reasonable time to be fixed in the notice.
  • [II] If the depositor fails to comply with the notice the depositary can sell by public auction the property deposited.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.674
  2. Code of January 1925: -
  3. Code of January 1929: -
Section 743.
  • The depositary must forth with deduct from the nett proceeds of the public auction the remuneration and expenses due to himself and deliver the surplus to the person entitled to the return of the deposit.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.675
  2. Code of January 1925: -
  3. Code of January 1929: -
Section 744.
  • The liability for remuneration, reimbursement of expenses or compensation in connection with a deposit is extinguished by prescription six months after the extinction of such contract.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.678
  2. Code of January 1925: 671
  3. Code of January 1929: 671