Book3 Title11 Chapter04

From Thai Codification Draft of 1924



TITLE XI. Suretyship.

Chapter IV. Extinction of Suretyship.

Section 776.
  • When the obligation of the debtor is extinguished, the surety is discharged.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.709
  2. Code of January 1925: 698
  3. Code of January 1929: 698
Section 777.
  • [I] If suretyship has been given for a series of transactions, the surety can at any time determine the suretyship for the future by giving notice to the creditor to that effect.
  • [II] In such case, the surety is not liable for transactions one by the debtor after the notice has reached the creditor.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.710
  2. Code of January 1925: 699
  3. Code of January 1929: 699
Section 778.
  • [I] Suretyship given for the transaction of a registered partnership or limited partnership is extinguished for the future if the partnership changes its firm name.
  • [II] It is not extinguished by a change in the members or object of the partnership.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.711
  2. Code of January 1925: -
  3. Code of January 1929: -
Section 779.
  • [I] If suretyship has been given for an obligation which is to be performed at a definite time, and the creditor grants to the debtor an extension of time, the surety is discharged.
  • [II] The surety is not discharged if he agreed to the extension of time or if the extension is granted by the Court.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.712
  2. Code of January 1925: 700
  3. Code of January 1929: 700
Section 780.
  • [I] The surety <is entitled to>[may] tender performance of the obligation to the creditor from the time when performance is due.
  • [II] If the creditor refuses to accept performance, the surety is discharged.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.713
  2. Code of January 1925: 701
  3. Code of January 1929: 701