Book3 Title21 Chapter01

From Thai Codification Draft of 1924




Chapter I. General Provisions.

Section 1023.
  • Bills within the meaning of this Code are of three kinds, namely: bills of exchange, promissory notes and cheques.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.952
  2. Code of January 1925: 898
  3. Code of January 1929: 898
Section 1024.
  • If matters not provided in this Title are written on the bill, they have no effect under the bill.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.954
  2. Code of January 1925: 899
  3. Code of January 1929: 899
Section 1025.
  • A person who puts his signature upon a bill is liable thereon according to the tenor of such bill.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.955
  2. Code of January 1925: 900
  3. Code of January 1929: 900
Section 1026.
  • A person who affixes on a bill a mere mark, such as a cross or a finger print, even if certified by witnesses, cannot exercise the rights and does not incur the liabilities resulting from the specific rules concerning bills. He is only bound by the general rules concerning obligations.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.956
  2. Code of January 1925: 900
  3. Code of January 1929: 900
Section 1027.
  • If an agent puts his signature upon a bill without stating that he is acting on behalf of a principal, the agent is liable under the bill but the principal is not.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.957
  2. Code of January 1925: 901
  3. Code of January 1929: 901
Section 1028.
  • Although one or more of the parties to a bill may be incapacitated, the bill is valid as regards capable parties.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.958
  2. Code of January 1925: 902
  3. Code of January 1929: 902
Section 1029.
  • No extension of time can be granted by the Court for the payment of a bill.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.959
  2. Code of January 1925: 903
  3. Code of January 1929: 903
Section 1030.
  • Holder means a person who is in possession of a bill as a payee or indorsee, or the bearer if the bill is payable to bearer.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.960
  2. Code of January 1925: 904
  3. Code of January 1929: 904
Section 1031.
  • The indorsee of a bill is not a holder unless the first indorsement be signed by the payee and each subsequent indorsment be signed by the person described in the preceding indorsement, so that there be an unbroken series of indorsements.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.961
  2. Code of January 1925: 905
  3. Code of January 1929: 905
Section 1032.
  • The expression prior parties includes the drawer or maker of the bill and the prior indorsers.


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.962
  2. Code of January 1925: 906
  3. Code of January 1929: 906
Section 1033.
  • [I] When there is no room on a bill for further indorsements, a slip of paper, called an allonge, may be attached thereto. It becomes part of the bill.
  • [II] The first indorsement on the allonge must be written partly on the bill itself and partly on the alionge [=allonge].


  1. Draft of 1919: Ob.963
  2. Code of January 1925: 907
  3. Code of January 1929: 907