Book3 Title21 Chapter02 Part08
From Thai Codification Draft of 1924
- Reconstructed from the Documents in Vols. 86, 87, 88, and 89 of “The Archives of the History of Thai Codification”.
- For the details, please, refer to the "Introductory Notes" to the "Reconstructed Book III on Specific Contracts".
Chapter II. Bills of Exchange.
Part VIII. Right of Recourse.
Section 1116.
- <
If the bill of exchange is presented for acceptance as provided by Sections 997 to 999 and the drawee fails to accept it, the holder has a right of recourse against all or any of the prior parties, jointly or separately, provided that he complies with the rules prescribed in Sections 1011 to 1018.> - <
If a bill of exchange is presented for payment on the day of maturity and the drawee fails to pay it, the holder has a right of recourse against all or any of the prior parties, jointly or separately, provided that he complies with the rules prescribed in sections 1057 to 1064.> - [ถ้าตั๋วแลกเงินได้ยื่นตามควรเพื่อให้รับรอง ฤๅเพื่อให้ใช้เงิน แล้วแต่กรณี และผู้จ่ายละเลยเสียไม่รับรอง ฤๅไม่ใช้เงินไซร้ ท่านว่าผู้ทรงตั๋วนั้นมีสิทธิจะไล่เบี้ยเอาแก่คู่สัญญาคนก่อน ๆ ทั้งหมด ฤๅแต่คนใดคนหนึ่งร่วมกัน ฤๅแยกกันก็ได้ หากว่าผู้ทรงได้ปฏิบัติต้องตามวิธีที่จะกล่าวไว้ในมาตราทั้งหลายต่อไปนี้]
Section 1117.
- <
If the acceptance is limited to part of the sum payable, the holder has the right of recourse for the difference only.> - <
If part only of a bill of exchange is paid, the holder has the right of recourse for the difference.> - [ถ้าการรับรอง ฤๅการใช้เงินมีจำกัดแต่เพียงส่วนหนึ่งแห่งจำนวนเงินอันจะพึงจ่ายไซร้ ท่านว่าผู้ทรงตั๋วเงินนั้นมีสิทธิจะไล่เบี้ยเอาได้แต่เพียงในส่วนที่ยังขาด]
Section 1118.
- The holder must, on the day following the day of presentation, send to the drawee through the Post Office a notice called protest.
Section 1119.
- The protest shall be entered by the Post Office in three copies <
in the form provided by Schedule A attached to this Code>.
Section 1120.
- Each copy shall be signed by the clerk of the Post Office where the protest is made and shall bear the date stamp of such office. It must contain the following particulars:
- (1) The date of protest.
- (2) The date of the bill of exchange.
- (3) The name or trade name of the drawer.
- (4) The name or trade name of the drawee.
- (5) The amount of the bill of exchange.
- (6) [วันยื่นตั๋วเงินและ] The day of maturity of the bill of exchange.
- (7) The name or trade name and address of the holder.
- (8) The amount payable to the holder, including expenses of protest.
- (9) A statement that the drawee can, within the three days next following the day of protest, seek out the holder [เพื่อรับรองตั๋วเงินนั้น ฤๅ] <
and> pay that amount [แล้วแต่กรณี โดยยอมเสียค่าคัดค้านให้ด้วยก็ได้].
Section 1121.
- [คำคัดค้านซึ่งจดหมายตราสินไว้เปนสามฉบับนั้น]
- Copy No. 1 being the protest shall be sent to the drawee under registered cover.
- Copy No. 2 being the receipt for the protest shall be delivered to the holder.
- Copy No. 3 being the original shall be kept by the Post Office.
Section 1122.
- If the bill of exchange is not accepted [or not paid] within the three days period, the bill is said to be dishonoured by non-acceptance and the holder must, within the four days next following, send notice of dishonour to the person or persons, against whom he intends to take recourse.
Section 1123.
- If the drawee notes on the bill of exchange the fact and date of refusal of acceptance [or payment] and signs such note, no protest is necessary and the holder must, within eight days from the date of refusal, send notice of dishonour to the person or persons against whom he intends to take recourse.
Section 1124.
- [I] The notice of dishonour must contain the date of maturity of the bill of exchange, the names or trade names of the drawer and drawee, the amount of the bill, the name or trade name and address of the holder, the date of the protest or of the refusal of acceptance, the fact that the bill was not accepted and the reason why the bill was not accepted or the fact that no reason was given for its non-acceptance.
- [II] The notice of dishonour [in case of non-payment] must contain [the same particulars mutatis mutandis, and in addition,] the day of maturity of the bill of exchange <
the names or trade names of the drawer and drawee, the amount of the bill, the name or trade name and address of the holder, the date of protest or of the refusal of payment, the fact that the bill was not paid and the reason why it was not paid or the fact that no reason was given for its non-payment>.
Section 1125.
- The right of recourse of the holder against the person or persons to whom notice of dishonour was sent is extinguished by prescription one year after date of non-acceptance [ฤๅนับแต่วันตั๋วเงินถึงกำหนด แล้วแต่กรณี].
- <
The right of recourse of the holder against the person or persons to whom notice of dishonour was sent is extinguished by prescription one year after the day of maturity.>
Section 1126.
- [I] An indorser to whom notice of dishonour has been given by a subsequent party can take recourse against all or any of the parties prior to him, jointly or separately.
- [II] In such case the indorser must send notice of dishonour to the person or persons against whom he intends to take recourse, within four days from the date when he himself has received notice of dishonour.
Section 1127.
- <
The right of recourse of the indorser is extinguished by prescription one year after date of notice sent by him.> - The right of recourse of the indorser is extinguished by prescription one year after date of the notice sent by him.
Section 1128.
- The return of the <
non accepted>[dishonoured] bill of exchange with the Post Office receipt for protest annexed to it is a sufficient notice of dishonour.
Section 1129.
- When a notice of dishonour has been duly addressed and posted, the sender is deemed to have given due notice of dishonour, notwithstanding any miscarriage by the Post Office.
Section 1130.
- If the holder or indorser fails to take the proceedings <
prescribed by Sections 1011 to 1021>[ตามวิธีการดังกล่าวไว้ในส่วนนี้] he loses his rights under the bill of exchange against all prior parties, except those who have waived protest or notice of dishonour.
Section 1131.
- <
The holder is entitled to take recourse for the following amounts: (1) The non accepted amount of the bill of exchange less interest thereon up to the date of maturity.In order to fix the date of maturity, the day of presentation is to be considered as the day of acceptance.(2) The expenses of presentation for acceptance and of protest and of notice of dishonour.>- <
The holder is entitled to take recourse for the following amount: (1) The unpaid amount of the bill together with interest thereon from the day of maturity.(2) The expenses of presentation for payment and of protest and of notice of dishonour.>- [ผู้ทรงตั๋วแลกเงินชอบที่จะไล่เบี้ยเอาเงินเหล่านี้ได้ คือ
- (ก) ในกรณีไม่รับรอง ไล่เบี้ยเอาจำนวนเงินอันเขาไม่รับรองในตั๋วแลกเงิน
- (ข) ในกรณีไม่ใช้เงิน ไล่เบี้ยเอาจำนวนเงินอันเขายังไม่ได้ใช้ให้ตามตั๋วเงิน กับทั้งดอกเบี้ยในจำนวนนั้นนับแต่วันถึงกำหนดใช้เงิน
- (ค) ค่ายื่นตั๋วแลกเงินเพื่อให้รับรอง ฤๅเพื่อให้ใช้เงิน แล้วแต่กรณี กับค่าทำคำคัดค้านและคำบอกกล่าวขาดความเชื่อถือ]
Section 1132.
- An indorser against whom recourse has been taken is himself entitled to take recourse for the following amounts:
- (1) The sum paid by him together with interest thereon from the date of his payment.
- (2) All expenses paid by him.
Section 1133.
- [I] Reimbursement of a dishonoured bill of exchange can be obtained only on surrender of the bill and of a recourse account.
- [II] The payer can require the payee to make a receipt on the recourse account and sign it.
Section 1134.
- <
A drawer or prior indorser to whom a bill of exchange has been re-indorsed or re-transferred has no right of recourse against a party to whom he was previously liable under the bill.> - A drawer, acceptor or prior indorser to whom a bill of exchange has been reindorsed or re-transferred has no right of recourse against a party to whom he was previously liable under the bill.